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Insulinol ‣ means for normalizing sugar levels

Insulinol ‣ means for normalizing sugar levels

Insulinol ‣ means for normalizing sugar levelsInsulinol ‣ means for normalizing sugar levels
5190 KSh
10380 KSh
9 / 10
Item ID: 3HK-ken?3553
Estimated delivery time: 1-3 days
Delivery options: By mail or courier


  • Compound
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  • Cinnamon;
  • Chromium;
  • Green tea.

Indications for use:

For diabetes;

Release form:


Best before date:

2 years;

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children;

Holiday conditions:

Over the counter;

Amount in a package:

30 pcs;


Plastic jar.

  • Read more in the instructions;
  • Take several times a day.

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Insulinol - What it is? Where can I buy?

Insulinol - this is the most popular remedy in the field - diabetes! Due to its high efficiency, high-quality composition of natural ingredients, as well as low cost choose it 99% buyers! Insulinol quickly and reliably solve your problem! Buy means for normalizing sugar levels - Insulinol available in the online store VitaOrganic. The price will be: 5190 KSh. You can place an order In Kenya!

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